Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sales Method #1 - Build Trust To Increase Sales in 2015

Leave your competition in the digital dust and activate more sales today...

The biggest mistake business owners are making today is using old selling techniques in a new world of sales.

Stop playing the old game of selling. There is a better way.

Instead provide a value added service to potential customers first.

If you are a new business just getting started then your customers are already doing business with your competition.

In order to gain competitive advantage, you must give people a reason to do business with you. However, if they do not know you or the quality of your products and services, then how do you convince them to buy?

The reality is that buyers buy when they are ready to buy. Trying to convince them is the old game.

The answer then is to engage your audience with value added information and develop the
relationship. Position your self as the trusted authority in your niche.

This is accomplished through a sales funnel combined with social engagement technology.

Most business owners who are on Facebook are not maximizing the potential of this social media platform.

Facebook is a powerful tool for word of mouth advertising. Make a positive first
impression with your target market by using social media to share value added content.

You can completely eliminate the selling process because it wastes too much time.

Chasing after leads and playing phone tag greatly diminishes your ability to get the sale. Instead, pre-empt your competition by providing a free trial of your service.

Let your customers EXPERIENCE the service first before they buy.

This service mentality will allow you to gain advantages to gain greater market share.

Out-compete your competition by providing service to gain trust first.

Keep them in your sales funnel until they are ready to buy.

This way you are continuously advancing every relationship until the buyer is ready.

At that point, they simply click a paypal button.

The old game of selling is now obsolete. The new world of service is creating powerful opportunity available when you take action right now.

Go to http://facebook.com/guruzilla to Find Out Who Brian Tracy, Jay Abraham, and Anthony Robbins go to when they want to increase their sales....

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